alright, this is the todak which i have mentioned in my previous blog in "halfbeak post". ok, to learn how to get this long slender fish, is slightly more tricky than the smaller halfbeak, as the todak could be meausred up to 1metre+, weight more than 2kg, and with it's long beak and all the sharp teeth, it could break your line easily.
for those less wary, and less intelligent todak, this is how you can catch them, rig up exactly the setup as catching the halfbeak, but ya will need slightly thicker line, say 10lbs-12lbs leader, and for main line, ya can use 6-8lbs for maximum fighing.
one of the best bait for them is live tamban, ya can get live tamban either by casting net, or jig for them, kept them in a live well immediately as they die easily out of water. use a size 6 or so hook, hook the live tamban on the back, near to the tail and when ya see todak (the way ya spot the halfbeak), cast it right infront of them!
the scenrio, which i seen with my own eyes before
those less intelligent todak will dart like an arrow toward the baitfish, and pin it under it's spikey teeth, perpendicular to its body. now prepare for the todak to darr through the water! open up the bail arm and see the line peels!! the run could easily take out 50m or more from ya spool, so prepare for it.
ok, when the line stop peeling, ya can wait awhile longer, sometimes when you see it jumps, meaning it has gut hook itself while swallowing the fish. if it still didn'y jump, nevermind, close the bail arm, tighten the slack line, give a give strike, and high chance, you will see it jump now.
with the line in its sharp teeth, it is always good to fight the line gently, do not pump in the fish like ya fighting the giant grouper. just do it with ease, set to light drag and allow it to peel the line with tension/pressure, to tire the fish more, before reeling in the surface feeder.
once again, this was taught by Mr Desmond again, he is the todak/halfbeak expert, thanks.
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