Tuesday, August 7, 2007

the reason for this setting up this blog

i do not blog at all, this is the 1st time i try blogging. mainly because of 3 reasons

1. the uncle i work with
2. the reason i name this "the 2nd hand shop"
3. learn to do new stuff online

1. i had lunch with my colleague, this 50 odds uncle, and his contractor. when i join them, they were toking about blogging. then they ask if i blog, i say no, and i do not know how to do it. and they ask me how old. then they say, with my age, i should have no problem to pick up and learn new thing when both of them are already 50+. so they gave me this google + blog blah blah blah and so here i am.

2. with referene to this morning, my mate challange me to sell his stuff online, i think here could be a good place to start with (hopefully), as i still dunno know much about ebay, yahoo auction and such. so i name my blog here as "the 2nd hand shop". anyone who is interested to let me TRY and sell ya stuff can kindly let me know.

3. i'm a IT idiot, ask me pa game, surf net, i still ok, but if to do web design, i think too cheem for me, also, what is HTML, i dunno, etc . so guess i should start off something simple, like this.

so, lets see how it goes from here, pls feel free to give me ya comments.

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