Tuesday, February 19, 2008

A fcuking unlucky day

We had this regular meeting on the monday, as usual in schedule.

However, due to my predeccessor "doing" and the retailer's "overlook" of matters, the shit finally snowball on me.

I wouldn't say I have no fault at all, but I only get to know this outstanding issue near end Dec, and we had meeting with the retailer sometimes before CNY. So after this meeting with the retailer, we immeidately sent out letter to all affected parties.

Due to the approval of my staff long leave, from my boss, I had no choice but to cover duty for her, she went on leave before CNY. And then at the same time, another colleague from other department went on leave too, and I was asked to cover for him as well! (which I have mentioned in my earlier blog)

So, it is just barely over CNY, and this issue was being brough up in meeting, I was fired by the boss, I don't wish to explain too much as he is already in the firing mood and no explaination, I guess, will be listened.

This issue should have already being brough up even before I came into the company, but some was dragged as long as 1 year ago, when I have not joined the coy.

I had really a bad afternoon, I was being reprimanded, infront of other colleagues, when this is not totally my fault at all!!

It is really fug up feeling, and I couldn't get to sleep last night...

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