Monday, March 3, 2008

Almost feel like quitting

The recent bad streak of work progress have been with me, for quite sometimes. And with staff in the organisation playing politic, it had added fuel to the fire on me.

With my out going boss (without giving me any direction, support, advice etc all this while), I do seriously hope that the new boss would be a much much better one! I had not been properly guided by the current boss and he often gave me wrong direction, and I would often end up doing the wrong things, and getting scolding by his boss (I got the blame) And as always, he would just keeping quiet without speaking up for me.

As of today, I knew I would get it again, and this period of time is the worst of my work career which I have had not feel/experience such a high stress level before! I almost feel like throwing in the towel today!!!

As you may have guess, I didn't really enjoy my Genting trip, all this problems are spinning in my head during the oversea, thus, I didn't really get to fully relax my mind.

Lets hope all this bad luck can go away ASAP and get back my normal working style as all this stress are making me brain dead and it can't seem to function properly anymore.

Wish me luck guys.

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