Tuesday, November 6, 2007

On the road

was on the way home yesterday from chinatown OG toward CTE, and there is this S bend before we going into the tunnel. there is this rider, upon seeing me, he rev up his bike and speed up, i was just following behind him, taking the first right bend, he go fast, but sway outward, i kept away from him but maintaining my speed.

on the immediate left bend, again, he goes in too fast and sway outward again, this time, i swop lane and overtook him and enter the tunnel before him. upon going slope down into the tunnel, there is this high speed right bend, i took my line and pull away from him, can't really see him in my mirror, but can see him struggling on the most left lane (swaying outward again...)

when we were both on CTE, once again, he speed up and overtook me on my left and cut into infront of me, as traffic is alittle jam, he try his best to squeeze, i guess he have some problem with that, as within a few hundred metres, i caught up on him. he is aware i'm right behind on him, so knowing he can't pull away from me, he do a dangerous lane changing to most left lane (we were on the right lane) and start to slow down.

can see that he is not in his mood to show me what he can do on his bike, i just maintain my speed and carry on my way.

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